Saturday, June 03, 2006

Book Review: On Intelligence by Jeff Hawins

On Intelligence is one of the best books on intelligence I have ever read. On Intelligence is insightful and on target. I have spend many years reading and theorizing on AI. Very few of the books I have read have given the kind of information that Jeff Hawkings has pointed out. He has brought forth some wonderful ideas that I think will undoubtedly give AI a new framework to work off of. He believes AI needs to be work like the neocortex, I agree and have thought this too. I just didn't understand as much about the neocortex. Much of his ideas and theories I agree with. Some of his ideas I agree with because they match many of my own thoughts and others I agree with because they have a perfectly logical connection. There are a few I think he many not have right, but those ideas are almost none. It is possible he may be right I just need to do more outside research to agree with. Overall this book has given me a better understanding of AI and gave me more of a reason to love that field. I thank him for writing one of the most interesting and insightful books on AI.

Book Title: On Intelligence
Author: Jeff Hawkins with Sandra Blakesless
Pub Date: Aug 2005
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